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From NJ 18th Aug 2018

"Such a great centre. I highly recommend it."

From NJ 18th Aug 2018

"Such a great centre. I highly recommend it."

From JF 8th Aug 2018

"What a great service you provide." 

From NJ 24th July 2018

"Thanks so much for today. What a great centre. 'L' loved it and cried the whole way home because he wanted to go back! It's rare to find a great centre"

From MG 26th July 2018

"I don't know what I would do without you guys."

Easily enrol online at Kindoo!

The first Step to Quality Care

Before we are able to take your booking, we need to find out a little more about you, your child and your particular circumstances. You can provide this information using the Enrol Here button below.


While this is a Department of Education requirement,  this information also helps us to ensure that we have the right resources in the right quantities to make sure your child's session with us is as amazing as possible.



In order to ensure your child feels happy and safe at Kindoo! we also provide families with the opportunity to book an Orientation Session with us. These sessions run from one to one and a half hours and involve a gentle, parent lead transition into the service where you are present for a portion of the session. Please do not hesitate to contact your Centre Director to arrange this ahead of your booking.


What Happens Next?

Once we have received your completed Enrollment Form we will record your details and send you a link to our Online Booking and Parent Communication app- Kidsxap Guardian.


Not only will Kidsxap Guardian be available to you to make bookings with us at any time of the day or night, but you will also receive regular updates on your child's learning experiences, daily routines, photos and observations and any scheduled events.


Now is the time to enrol for your first few casual sessions or a permanent place.  Don't delay- places are filling fast and are limited.

Fees and Subsidies

The Information You Need

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