Your Health and Safety at Kindoo!
March/ April 2020
In order to protect the children at Kindoo! from the spread of the Coronavirus and other infectious diseases, we have put in place a number of additional health and safety initiatives at Kindoo! In addition to our Hygiene, Dealing With Infectious Diseases, Interactions with Children and Incident, Illness, Accident and Trauma Management policies and procedures, we are also practising the following additional initiatives :
* Hand washing is a requirement of entry by all adults, children, visitors and contractors
* Educators wash their hands on entry, before and after eating, after toileting, before and after assisting children with their toileting, after touching tissues and on an as-needs basis
* Children are assisted to wash their hands on arrival at Kindoo!, before and after meals, after toileting and on re-entry into the Centre from the playground.
* Additional bi-daily cleaning and disinfection is being completed including:
- Door handles
- Attendance Tablets
- Toys and other frequently used teaching resources
- Tables and chairs
- Mouthed toys
- Bathroom sinks and toilets (change mats are already disinfected after each change)
* Additional Daily cleaning and disinfection
- All bedding is washed at high temperature and sun dried
- Used dress-ups and pillow covers are washed at high temperature and sun dried
- All rooms are sprayed at the close of the Centre with disinfectant
- Doors to the playground are periodically opened during the day to ensure additional air circulation
We are also assisting the children to practice 'social distancing' at the service by providing them with additional opportunities to eat, play and learn outside.
Children showing symptoms of illness may not be admitted to the Service or, if symptoms arise whilst in our care, they will be respectfully quarantined and parents advised to pick the child up within 30mins.
We are also considering limiting the movement of adults within the service by providing front door drop off and collection assistance in addition to mandatory hand washing and sanitisation. An agreement is also currently being reached with a local GP practice to arrange for all consenting children to be administered with the 2020 Flue vaccine in April.
For additional information on this and other initiatives, please see our Coronavirus Management Policy below or contract your Centre Director.